a wandering woman writes

Friday, January 04, 2008

Green, La Alberca

I'm fresh back from being treated like a queen in La Alberca. Todavía estoy en Las Batuecas, así que...una foto.

I've been in a place so magical (Las Batuecas, a valley below La Alberca) that to be "en Las Batuecas" in this colorful language I love is to have your head in the clouds, floating blissfully.

Photo today, words tomorrow, then. ¡Feliz año a todos!

Meanwhile, Rebecca's written up a full report of a very festive New Year's in her little corner of Castilla y León, complete with fire water, open flames and the baby Jesus.


  • Feliz año at tu, tambien, Wanderer.
    One day I will visit La Alberca.
    Uno de estos dias!

    By Blogger Cream, at 1:38 AM  

  • I love this photograph ... I've tested it, it makes me yearn for Spain everytime I pop over. It's something about the ... 'clarity' - that's the word that comes to mind. I love stone and the wood and the green.

    By Blogger Di Mackey, at 7:21 PM  

  • Oh, and tell me when you do, Cream. It's a different town when you get off the main plaza and someone tells you the legends, etc. The whole Sierra de Francia is a lovely day trip, or weekend. Plenty to see, and good eats. La Fuente is a very good restaurant there, owned by the brother of a friend of mine, and another friend has just opened a very funky tea shop you'd love - she did the painting and mosaics and decorating herself....a bit like someone else I know...

    Oh, Di., you and your yearnings for Iberia. :) The clarity is light, for me, don't you think? New Mexico hits me the same way: clarity.

    By Blogger Erin, at 7:08 PM  

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