a wandering woman writes

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Footloose and flip flop bound

So what have I been doing this week instead of blogging?

Well, avoiding walking onto the terraza in my barefeet, for one thing.

Now that I spend my days at home, supposedly working, I find myself endlessly tempted to prance onto the terraza barefoot.

Always a pot that needs watering, laundry that needs tending, a bird to watch. I've caught myself a thousand times.....dare I shock the neighbors by venturing forth au natural from the ankle down? Dare I risk scandalizing every Spanish mother with a balcony within view?

I can hear the maternal chorus that will greet me, at every entry into the building and every naked step on the patio: "Pero hija, ¿que haces?? ¿Qué HACES?"

I've held back, so far, partially because yes, when in Spain, I'd like to do as the neighbors do.....and partially because I am convinced all these perpetually shoed Spaniards have discovered the secret of luxuriously smooth feet.



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