a wandering woman writes

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lunes Santo, Salamanca

A photographic challenge for me, I'll have you know.
With the crowds, the darkness, the lights and that fierce desire just to watch, silently.
This is last night's procession by a cofradía (Ilustre Cofradía de la Santa y Vera Cruz del Redentor y de la Pursímima Concepción, Su Madre) founded in 1506. For far better photos (of last's year's procession) go here. Ignore the music, if you can: this procession takes place in an eery, intense silence, broken only by the occasional spontaneous song, and the clank-clank of chains (shackled to the bare feet of cross-bearing members of the cofradía) dragging through the streets of Salamanca.

I've given myself the rest of Semana Santa off from anything remotely resembling work. What adopted española would do less?

I shall attempt to refine my Semana Santa photographic skills over the next few evenings....

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  • Hey, gracias for this small slice of life in Spain. The atmosphere looks kind of incredible?

    By Blogger Di Mackey, at 11:06 AM  

  • (sarcasm)
    Wait! How can you have a figure representing Jesus used in public!!! How dare you!!! ...Oops... Sorry, you’re not in the United States. My bad

    Sounds like a very interesting time. I am sorry my visit will miss the festivals and bull fighting season...

    By Blogger Yarbz, at 9:12 PM  

  • Oh, Yarbz,,no, no, no...there are always fiestas in Spain. It will be the Virgen de algo for you, somewhere, I know it. Hit google, you're bound to be here during some good festivities somewhere...

    heh heh and yeh, Semana Santa would spark a few dozen lawsuits in the States, you got a point there..

    By Blogger Erin, at 9:21 PM  

  • :-)

    I shall follow up on fiestas in October (12-24). Thanks.

    By Blogger Yarbz, at 9:40 PM  

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