Questions of Travel

What childishness is it that while there's a breath of life
in our bodies, we are determined to rush
to see the sun the other way around?
The tiniest green hummingbird in the world?
To stare at some inexplicable old stonework,
inexplicable and impenetrable,
at any view,
instantly seen and always, always delightful?
Oh, must we dream our dreams
and have them, too?
And have we room
for one more folded sunset, still quite warm?
Elizabeth Bishop, from Questions of Travel
I've spent the last week making, changing and rechanging travel plans. For good or for evil, I seem to want to dream my travel dreams and have them, too. They call that
wanderlust, don't they?
I'll spend Semana Santa here hiking with a club from Salamanca. The following weekend my intrepid Salmantina travel companions and I take on Lisbon. In June, I join my brother on his first trip to Ireland, which we hope will include a visit to the Aran Islands, a glimpse of Grace O´Malley's castle and a quick peek at Leitrum, the county from which Timothy, the first American Corcoran, sailed against his will as a conscripted British sailor. July will find me sailing the rivers of Galicia, I hope, and in August, it's Oxford, for a week's writing course and maybe a chance to throw the odd pot. (Why am I certain any pot I throw will be odd?)
And you? Hurry now, que la vida son dos días y uno llueve.
Labels: travel quotes
What? No Asturias?
Anonymous, at 4:26 AM
Yes! Yes! Asturias!! Yes!
I just didn't BOOK it, Pato, because it's my favorite kind of trip - me taking off alone when I can.
I think it may be more than 1 trip, too. I have friends who do the Picos for 3 or 4 days every year, so I'll likely tag along with them, but alone I want OCEAN, coast, fishing villages? May, maybe, if not, July.
I'm not sure Asturias isn't somewhere I'd love to live...if there were a way. Can't be inland forever, you know.
Erin, at 9:23 AM
Why do I feel compelled to add that Timothy didn't sail FROM Leitrum, of's inland. But he left Leitrum, to sail...
you get it.
Erin, at 9:28 AM
You do know Asturias is very Celtic, right?
My "media naranja", Irish American like you, had "cognitive dissonance" the first day in Asturias, trying to reconcile the Irish-like qualities with the fact that it was Spain. I'm quite curious about your impressions when you visit.
(I know I have suggestions pending--will get to it, I swear) ;)
Anonymous, at 4:39 AM
Yes, I've been reading a bit of a book my Spanish prof gave me -legends and stories from Asturias, and all I can think when I open it is Ireland - even in the folklore!
I do worry I won't want to come back!
Don't sweat the suggestions, by the way. Won't go until May, maybe or July, as I said. And I'll nag you if I find myself ready to go without Pato suggestions.
Erin, at 9:11 AM
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