There once was a blog from Nantucket...
I happened onto the "musical instrument" category, but you can punch in any old keywords you like and voila! limericks!
I feel a little guilty posting this without writing my own, but you should feel free to comment in limerick form. In fact, I'll invite you to always feel free to comment in limerick form. Or haiku if you prefer....
My two favorites from the music category:
On the Spanish guitar my technique
Of unamplified strums is unique.
I acoustically play
In my singular way,
Causing strings to detune and to squique.
aflaunt by Virge (Virgil Keys)
There was a fair flautist named Anna
Took to lying aflaunt on the piana.
Though her flute skills were flawed,
Anna's fans all adored
How she'd flaut in a flirtatious manner.
The author adds that, in his opinion, FLAUT really should be in the dictionary,and I, for one, agree with him.
Labels: poetry, worthwhile web stops
One of my favourite limericks is about "flauting":
A tooter who tooted a flute
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor,
Is it harder to toot or
To tutor two tooters to toot?
qaminante, at 9:30 AM
Oh, I love that. I'm going to keep it, I promise to give you full credit.
Erin, at 9:01 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phunicular, at 3:12 AM
A wandering woman in Spain
Sought limericks to help her stay sane,
But they curled in her cortex
And formed a verse vortex
That drained the remains of her brain.
(aka Phunicular)
Phunicular, at 3:20 AM
I am honored!!
It is brilliant and must be its own post!
Erin, at 5:52 PM
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