a wandering woman writes

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Meanwhile, on Pillage Street

This is Calle Expolio.

Pillage Street.

You could also call it "the Salamanca street until recently known as Gibraltar".

Before you smile at the irony, I should tell you that the name change isn't Salamanca's way of protesting that Gibraltar is still in British hands, as it has been since the beginning of the 18th century.

I won't tell you much about the reason for the name change. I'm convinced it's one of those Spanish controversies I just don't know enough about Spanish history, or the Spanish constitution, or anything, to comment on. I've heard both sides, watched friends bang fists and raise voices about it, and finally come to the conclusion that nobody's really talking about Calle El Expolio when they talk about Calle El Expolio.

El Expolio, a lovely, thin little street, runs by the (national) Archive of the Spanish Civil War, housed in a elegantly restored building here in Salamanca, and then by Casa Lis, a turn of the century Modernist home now serving as a museum of Art Deco and Art Nouveau. Past Casa Lis, El Expolio leaves you no choice but to climb up toward the Old Cathedral and the city center through Patio Chico, a large, treelined patio where Salmantino celebrate events as different as the summer jazz festival and the Holy Week descent from the cross. Back at its beginnings, where you'll find the tile in my photo, El Expolio offers you a steep descent down to the Roman Bridge, and my door, or an equally steep ascent up to Plaza John XXIII and the New Cathedral. In short, El Expolio is a street with character.

To summarize months (or more?) of legal battles, Catalunya, one of Spain's automonous regions, fought to take the Civil War papers that originated in Catalunya and were taken after the War to Salamanca's Archive back to Catalunya, and won. Here's where I'll ask you not to worry about the context for the purposes of this post - a constitutional battle is waging in Spain, and Catalunya is central to it. So a political party, and much of the region where I live, particularly Salamanca's mayor, resisted the removal of the papers. Dramatically. Passionately. Fiercely.

As I understand it, trucks pulled up early one morning - or maybe it was late one night - and legally carried the disputed papers away.

With the battle lost and the papers gone, Salamanca's mayor made an executive decision. He changed the name on the street plaque posted on the wall of the Archive from Gibraltar to El Expolio. The Pillage. Pillage of historical papers, in his opinion, I gather.

Now on to the point of this post! Because I loved Calle Gibraltar, I was less than happy the day I dropped down from the Cathedrals toward home, only to meet El Expolio instead of Gibraltar. Struck me as an ugly name. Pillage.

A few weeks later, I've learned to always approach home via El Expolio.

Because now that the editorials have been written and the marches held, now that the newspaper photographers have all gone home, the once quiet corner of El Expolio and Tentenecio is a lively, first rate people-watching spot.

Confused foreign tourists wander aimlessly, turning their maps one way, then another, trying desperately to find Calle El Expolio. I have always met a lot of people close to this corner - as they asked me for directions - but now I'm cornered, daily. I climb down the hill every afternoon, bread in hand, clearly a local.

Still, it's the Spanish tourists I enjoy most. Those who arrive in small groups wait for the lost foreigners to clear out of the way, then snap two pictures: one of the entrance to the Archivo de la Guerra Civil, and the other of the street tile you see above. I love how the man of the family almost always catches my eye, just to see if I understand his interest, and when he finds that I do, I love how he grins ear to ear. Some shrug shoulders, in that Spanish "y eso, qué?" way. Others comment aloud to the Salmantina with the bread - "Es el famoso, ¿no? El famoso."

The busfuls of Spanish tourists who hike up Tentenecio behind their tour guides now fill the narrow stone canyon with laughter and voices and controversy. "Pillage of whom, by whom?!?" commented one man in a group I stepped aside for the other day. He was immediately taken to task by a tall man in a leather coat, and I listened to them battle their way up toward the Cathedral. Another woman tried to wave me by, courteously, but I waited, delighted, while her husband took his two photos. "I already have my photo," I told him, as he struggled to capture the new street tile. They both grinned.

I do have to add a travel comment: Both Casa Lis and the Archive are well worth a visit, should you find yourself in Salamanca. I haven't seen many of the photo snapping Spanish tourists actually enter the Archive, but I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. The permanent exhibit is riveting, and easy to follow, and when I visited, they were offering a spectacular temporary exhibit of Robert Capa photos and articles.



  • Uff... Erin, you are on moving sands here...


    From my point of view those documents should be digitalized and put on the Internet for the public.

    More than the actual place where the documents were stored, from my point of view, it is more important to make the available to the public and not only to a few historians.

    When the Salamanca Papers arrived in Catalunya there was an exposition that I visited.

    It was very interesting. So much I wanted to buy the catalog of the exposition (I do that quite often). But, as happens here normally, the catalog was ONLY in Catalan.

    Edited by the Catalán autonomous government and not able to make available, at least, in both of the official languajes!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:57 PM  

  • Jeje, no Alex I am not standing on anything!

    I really meant that post to be about how I enjoy the commotion at the sign everyday because I meet people, and nothing, nothing more!
    Because I honestly have no opinion; I simply haven't read enough to speak intelligently on the subject.

    But I love your internet idea!!
    I do suspect you and I may share one frustration - seeing languages used as armas..no? to divide rather than unite people. That I have been known to talk about....

    By Blogger Erin, at 2:43 PM  

  • Having never heard of Casa Lis, I immediately Googled it to discover their "this needs a lot of work' website- http://www.museocasalis.org/
    I searched around more and more for images and found very few good ones. In return for sending you the links to the MOMA Spanish architecture show, please take your camera on walks near Casa Lis and post the results. Gracias.
    And if you ever get to Brussels, don't fail to visit the Victor Horta museum, more art nouveau delights.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:33 PM  

  • I will most likely keep up with your blog, as I am thinking of studying in Spain. Hopefully I can glean some advice and tips from your entries.

    By Blogger Mona, at 9:13 PM  

  • John, you are just turning into a treasure trove of good information. I did a self-guided Art Nouveau walking tour with a Belgian friend when I visited Brussels last summer, and I was stunned...just walking the streets. I'll mark this museum down for my next trip. And yep, deal on the Casa Lis photos.

    Thank you, Mona! I suspect I answered your email today..Welcome!

    By Blogger Erin, at 10:59 PM  

  • Hi Erin,
    I have discovered your blog just a couple of weeks ago and I like it. Thanks for the point of view from a "extranjero en la provincia" which seems to be different as beeing "extranjero de la capital".
    I think the Salamanca Paper (it was a battle for years) should have gone to the national libary in Madrid.
    But we as foreigners and not struck with the history of civil war and parents or grandsparents beeing "reds" or "franquistas" we won't understand the whole background even if we try.
    Hope to read more of this blogg
    Hasta luego.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:25 PM  

  • Thanks for the comment, Anonymous.

    I agree with Alex, actually, on the papers, themselves, well and perhaps you are saying the same, they should be accessible to everyone, and the internet would be ideal

    But I don't think it's the Civil War, or their parents/grandparemts, or the papers, or the archive that many Salmantinos are motivated by, in their frustration. It feels like it's about Catalunya, and Catalan, and the statute..and Zapatero's government, to be honest, and not the importance of keeping the archive intact...I don't get the feeling either side was actually fighting about those papers. I could be wrong....

    By Blogger Erin, at 12:32 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:53 PM  

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